Friday, July 9, 2010

What IF? A portrait of infertility

Please look at the following vimeo - http://www.vimeo.com/11214833 which I found today. It has just won a Team RESOLVE Choice Award for best viral video and rightly so.

It is absolutely excellent!

The words she uses to describe her video are wonderful:

My hope is that this video illustrates the "everydayness" of coping with infertility and that by publicly "outing" myself and my struggle with infertility that I can help erase some of the stigma surrounding the subject. I hope I can be a voice for those women and couples who can't speak up or speak out for themselves.

I feel exactly the same about removing the stigma surrounding the subject - discussing fertility and infertility should have no stigma. I wish I had been as eloquent as she is, however, regarding the women who can't speak up or out for themselves - those who suffer in silence, feeling unable to speak about it all. Being silent isn't a sign of selfishness or weakness, it is that the world we live in can make it very hard for us. Ridiculously hard.

So let's all help each other to be stronger and make life a little easier for each other at each stage.

Please share this video clip with all those you know. I love the line in the text below the video. When something is so perfectly said, there is no need to para phrase - I can simply repeat:

Please continue this grassroots advocacy by continuing to share this video online!

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